Kapa Haumanu is committed to ensuring the information on this website is accurate and up-to-date. However, we acknowledge that errors or outdated content may occasionally occur. We apologize for any inaccuracies and appreciate your understanding.
Our website may include links to external sites for your convenience. While we strive to link to reputable sources, Kapa Haumanu does not take responsibility for the accuracy or content of these external websites.
We also provide advertisements on behalf of individuals and organizations, including employment opportunities, events, and listings for supervisors and counsellors. Please note that Kapa Haumanu does not take responsibility for the content or the quality of services offered by these third parties. If you have concerns about their services, we encourage you to contact them directly.
If you have serious concerns regarding the quality or conduct of individuals or organizations advertising on our platform, please contact us via email. We will review the matter and take appropriate steps concerning their continued advertisement with Kapa Haumanu.
Thank you for your understanding and support.