Ko wai maatou?

Meet the whanau behind this kaupapa


Estella Tawha-Davis (Director/Kaitukuhaumanu/kapa haka tutor/counsellor)

Ngaati Maahanga/Waikato-Tainui/ Ngaati Raukawa/Ngaati Maiotaki/Ngaati Toarangatira

Estella is the founder and Director of Kapa Haumanu. She has been doing kapa haka since 1995, performing with kapa such as Te Korowaiwhakamana, Te Mataahauariki, Te Rourou Kura, Te Maanu Waka and Kia Ngaawari.

Estella holds a Bachelor of Counselling degree and is extremely passionate about serving her community and providing safe access to Te Ao Maaori, connection and healing for whanau.


Te Haupai Davis (Kaitukuhaumanu/kapa haka tutor/counsellor)

Waikato-Tainui/NgaatiManiapoto/Ngaati Kahungunu/Te Whaanau-A-Apanui/Niue - Liku/Samoa - Savaii

Te Haupai has been the co-facilitator of Kapa Haumanu since 2019. He has been doing kapahaka since 1999, holds a Bachelor of Counselling Degree and is a Provisional Member of New Zealand Association of Counsellors. Te Haupai was born and raised in Otara, South Auckland and is passionate about all things Te Ao Maaori and representing his community.

Whaea Haka

Ngahaka Williams (Kapa haka Kaiako/tutor)

Tihei mauri ora!

Tenei taku Manu ka topa ka tiu I te komata o Puwhenua.

Ka mokowhiti ki nga wai tapu o Ohane.

E rere kopikopiko ana ki toku taurikura ki akeake.

I pepehatia ake ki Te Rei Nui Ao.

I huaina ake ki Turuturu.

E ko Takitimu.

E ko Ngati Ruahine te tu ake nei.

E ko Ngati Ranginui te mihi atu nei.

E ko koia e ara e.

Ko Ngahaka toku ingoa.

Ngahaka has been performing since 1995 from kohanga to the Matatini stage, she is a standing kaihaka for Kia Ngawari. Ngahaka has devoted a lot of her life to Maaori Performing arts, and is very passionate about providing Kapa Haumanu services to as many whanau as possible.

Whaea Rhirhi

RIripeti Fuataga (Kapa Haka Kaiako/Tutor)

Ko Io whatata, ko Io whatamai, ko Hekeheke i nuku, ko Hekeheke i papa, ko te kore, te kore ka ahu mai kaa pō takiwā, nō kā pō takiwā, ka ahu mai kā ao katoa, ka puta ki waho i roto i te ao marama te ira takata, ki te whaiao, ki te ao marama, Tīhei mauri ora!

Ko Riripeti Fuataga ahau,

He uri tēnei nō Kāi Tahu, Kāti Māmoe, Samoa.

Riripeti has had experience in Kapa Haka since 1997 and is a current Kaihaka for Kia Ngāwari. Riripeti has also completed the first year of a Bachelors degree in Counselling. Riripeti is passionate about working with our uri whakaheke. Empowering them in self-discovery and Identity, as well as creating a safe environment to enhance their taonga/potential.

Aunty Ashley

Ashley Puhimanawa Te Hiko Kohe Bryers-Reneti (Kapa haka Kaiako/tutor)

Ko Whitireia te maunga.

Ko Parirua te awa.

Ko Raukawa te moana.

Ko Tainui te waka.

Ko Takapūwāhia te marae.

Ko Ngāti Toa Rangatira te iwi.

Ashley has been doing kapa haka since kohanga reo, all the way through primary school, intermediate and high school. Ashley has held leadership roles throughout all of her schooling years, and is passionate about supporting and being present for her community through many facets of her dedication to uplifting the mana of our people. She was nominated as kaitataki wahine for Puuaha Te Tai 2019-2021 and played a major role in revitalising Kapa haka in her community through supporting Kapa Haumanu in its development and setting the standard of kaitiakitanga and manaakitanga for whanau that go to Nayland College in the future.